Be Proud Of You

I asked my partner to take this picture of me and Oliver a couple of weeks ago. With the idea that in this moment I felt like a mum doing her best.

We had just returned from a dinner out with family and our reality is thats tubes, tapes, medications and feeds must come too.

Oliver had fallen asleep and he had his feed going and as I carried him from the car, upstairs to his bed along with his feed still going and trying not to drop anything, I felt proud, tired, but proud.

Proud that we push through and overcome whatever comes our way.

Proud that we change and adapt our lives to accommodate any additional needs that arise.

Proud that I have an amazing, loving, supportive and helpful partner.

Proud that I have a talented, determined, resilient, cheeky little boy.

And proud that even though our life is different, its our normal and we are doing a brilliant job at managing it all the best we can.

Dont get me wrong, it can he hard too, the stares from strangers in public, forgetting equipment, spilling milk through the pram.
Vomits in the shop or car, tubes being pulled out, being put back in, and faint smiles of people feeling sorry for us make the tough days tougher.

What outweighs those days are the strangers that see me struggling and help.
The ones who wave at Oliver and say Hello.
The people who tell me im doing a great job.
The Nurses that chuck extra FREE supplies in the pram just to be kind.
The family who supports us.
The partner who has taken us in as his own and guided us through it.
And the smiles I get each and everyday from my strong little man.

Overall I am so lucky to have the life I have and to be able to provide Oliver with the love, care and happiness that he gives me every single day.
Thank you for being unique my boy, and thank you for chosing me as your mum.


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