Dear New Mamma
Dear new Mamma with an expectant or confirmed diagnosis of Down Syndrome for her baby, I see you. I see you feel as if you've been hit by a wall when your doctor delivers the news. I see your heart sink and you wonder, why me? I see you sit and overthink, research for hours on end. I see you worry. I see you cry, and grieve, for a baby you thought you had. I see your guilt, for feeling the way that you feel. I see you rub you belly, so in love, yet so distant, so scared. I see you watch and look at others with Down Syndrome, worried for what the future will bring your child. I see you smile when you feel those first kicks and rolls, but wonder, will my baby crawl? Walk? Talk? I see you feeling lost, like you have walked 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I see you hold it all together, I see bravery, love, kindness, and hope. I see a fierce woman, one that would still protect her baby with all of her being. I see you becoming the m...