A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

As time creeps closer to 21st of March, (World Down Syndrome day.) I find myself reflecting on this time last year and the motions I was experiencing after a diagnosis of down syndrome for my son. I had decided to overcome the fear of Oliver's diagnosis and felt I could do this by sharing with people that he in fact had Down Syndrome. I felt I was holding something back by hiding it from people. I felt like down syndrome was a burden on my shoulder and I didnt know how to overcome it. I made the decision to share with friends, family, and work colleagues, and the parents and children at my work what was in store for us. And let me tell you it was the best thing I did. The support I recieved was unimaginable. The love and strength I felt was amazing and down syndrome no longer felt like something to be ashamed of. I was bloody proud and I wanted EVERYONE to know it! It makes me sad now to think of the feelings I felt during that time and how unsure and afraid I was. But o...